Hello Aaron,
Wow, Black Friday is behind us. That was incredible.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and a good time cyber shopping.
This week I had a little Christmas Story to share with you. Something I found on a forum and tweaked a little bit. Hope you have a little fun with it.
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'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the trails,
A bunch of rigs were stranded, their progress like snails.
They had no shovels, no rope and no winch,
No CB, no radio, to get out of their pinch.
When out from a mud pit, there arose such a clatter;
All the 'wheelers came running to see what's the matter.
I saw some poor Toyota all covered in crud;
He had blown his motor trying to get free of the mud.
As he stood there I noticed his glowing red face,
And I knew in an instant he wanted out of this place.
I glanced at his roof, it was all I could see;
He pleaded for help from my winch and from me.
So I sprang to the front of my trusty old joy,
Spooled out my winch cable, said "Hook 'er up, boy!"
He went for a swim in the deep muddy hole,
I tried not to laugh cuz he looked like a troll.
He hooked up the cable to his buried front hook,
I put a coat on the line like it says in the book.
I winched him out quickly, a very fast session;
And almost charged him a C-note, to teach him a lesson.
I cruised my Jeep through the mud to the shore;
No problem for me, 'cause I had a real 4x4.
I wound down my window as I drove out of sight,
And cheerfully yelled "Merry Christmas My Friend, It's a Jeepers Night!" |
(Just a bit of fun at the expense of our Toyota brethren - we love you all no matter what you wheel!)
The Holidays are all about indulging, and New Year's Resolutions are about making amends.
Sometimes that means Diets.
For Jeeps, that means Aluminum.
Metalcloak offers the perfect solution for your weight loss needs!
For the JK Wrangler Owner, the NEW Aluminum Overland fenders - saving over 60 lbs with the easy to install fender system.
For TJ/LJ Owners there is a whole line of products including Gas Tank Skid, Front Overline Fenders, Front Arched Fenders, Bumpers and Corner Guards.
So no matter what you indulgence is this Christmas, you will be prepared for the New Year! |
PIC OF THE WEEK If we choose your picture for the Pic of the Week, we will send you a Metalcloak Hat or Tee-Shirt of your choice (you must contact us with shipping information.) How do you enter? You must post your pic on our Facebook Page. We will choose the one we like the best (it helps if you have friends comment and share it ;-). Here is a great article in FourWheeler.com about How to take good pictures of your Jeep. We like them in action, on the trail, having a good time.
CONGRATULATIONS to Miguel Sanchez for submitting this weeks Pic of the Week! Miguel is running with the Arched Fenders and 4" Rear Flares on his YJ.
 Click Here for the original post on Facebook.
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