Hello Rock Biting Jeepers!
This time of year always reminds me of how much we, at Metalcloak, have to be thankful for.
Not only for the great freedoms and opportunities this country still provides; and not only for the amazing men and women who defend those freedoms and opportunities every day; and not only for our Founding Fathers and the foresight they had to lay our freedoms on parchment; and not only for the bounty we are about to receive... we are also thankful for YOU.
Yes, YOU. I am truly humbled each time you put forward your hard earned cash to purchase a Metalcloak product. Without you, we wouldn't be here. And we will NEVER take that for granted.
So THANK YOU! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy Thanksgiving my friend.
 | GET YOUR SIDEKICK OFFROAD CALENDAR NOW! For a limited time Metalcloak is carrying the new SideKick OffRoad 2015 Calendar.
The perfect gift for the Off Road Enthusiasts in your life!
Click Here to learn more... |
NEW! 8" FLARES FOR YOUR TJ/LJ/YJ! You asked, and we delivered. The new 8" Flares for your TJ, LJ or YJ are perfect for the Jeep owner where coverage is key.
Available in both 8" Arched and 8" Overline styles, the flares are easily removable for off road adventures.
Metalcloak's unique removable flare system makes it the only company that can easily offer you different flare sizes.
Whether you need just a Rub Rail, 4 inch, 6 inch, or the new 8" Flare, you can change them out with just a few bolts.
Learn more at Metalcloak.com |  |
After much anticipation and a preview at Off Road Expo in October, the TJ Lock-N-Load Long Arm Suspension is now available for Pre-Order!
Featuring the Exclusive Technology of the Patent Pending Lock-N-Load (video) to reduce radius arm bind, Duroflex Joint (video) for ultimate flex and comfort, and True Dual Rate Coils for on-road stability and off-road travel.
This is not your typical Long Arm kit.
The TJ Lock-N-Load Long Arm Kit even features 2" 4130 Chromoly Lower Control Arms and our new, larger, Duroflex Joints.
Everything has been thought out, including proper approach and departure angles on the belly pan so you don't get hung up.
Currently available in our 6" kit, more spring options will come available next year.
This is Pre-Order Only, the kit is not expected to ship until January.
Click here to learn more... |
We know you've been waiting for this and now it's here.
It's time for our Black Friday Weekend FREE SHIPPING SALE!
This is an ONLINE only sale, so just use the code: onethankfulnation
Thank you and have fun shopping at Metalcloak.com
Now there are some fine print items... first, this is only good for the Lower 48 States (HI, AK, Canadian friends, we will share the shipping cost with you, just give us a call Monday), does not include extended corner gaurds and, you must be prepared for orders placed during this sale to have extended delivery times.
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PIC OF THE WEEK If we choose your picture for the Pic of the Week, we will send you a Metalcloak Hat or Tee-Shirt of your choice (you must contact us with shipping information.) How do you enter? You must post your pic on our Facebook Page. We will choose the one we like the best (it helps if you have friends comment and share it ;-). Here is a great article in FourWheeler.com about How to take good pictures of your Jeep. We like them in action, on the trail, having a good time.
CONGRATULATIONS to Paul Pairmore for submitting this weeks Pic of the Week! Paul is running with the front & rear Overline Fenders for his JK Wrangler and Metalcloak Frame-Built Bumper.
 Click Here for the original post on Facebook.
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