Thursday, February 23, 2012

KOH, Corner Travel Index, and pic of the week!

Hello Rock-Biting Jeepers!
This week marks the sixth anniversary of 12 crazy guys who visited a desolate desert in California and ran a race in their rigs just to see if it could be done.
We know this race now as the King of the Hammers and those original 12 have grown into a race of 100 rigs, thousands of attendees and millions of fans worldwide.
And of course, because it is our duty, we will be there. And we hope you will be there too, if not in person, then on the air watching it live through Ustream ( or at
Hopefully we will see you out there.
In the meantime, I'd like to introduce you this week to Corner Travel Index and our 5.5" TJ Long Travel Upgrade kit.

Corner Travel Index (CTI)
We've all heard of RTI or Ramp Travel Index. That's the cool ramp that clubs bring out to events to measure just how much articulation you can get. Or is it?
Really, RTI is a fun gimick that gives the driver a thrill, and give some sort of standardized score so that we can all compete and be impressed by how we did.
In the development of our new line of suspension products, we realized that RTI was not an effective measure of what a suspension can REALLY do.
Not that we were complaining about our RTI scores, heck out $3999 JK Short Arm kit we dubbed the "Game Changer" has scored higher on the RTI then Any JK we've tested so far, including one with EVO's double throwdown suspension that can cost three to four times as much.
No, we decided to create a testing system that WORKS. Just like we create the best working products, products that change the industry, we decided to define a new testing system.
That system is called the Corner Travel Index. There is a detailed Wikipedia article describing it in full, but essentially the Corner Travel Index, or CTI, measures the distance tires from opposing corners can rise off the ground. It does not matter what your tire size is, what your wheelbase is, or the angle of the ramp. All that matters is how high two tires from opposing corners raised off the ground simultaneously before another, third tire came off the ground.
CTI can be done by anyone and we are developing a separate website to collect and manage CTI information from around the world at
So read the wikipedia article, grab a couple fork-lifts and let us know how you measure up!

You've just got to love a guy who isn't scared of a little mud... Blake Talton of Smyrna, Tennessee posted this great pic on our Facebook wall at


See you on the rocks... or not!
Matson "Matsonian" Breakey

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