Friday, March 20, 2020

Yep, We're Open! ❤️ A personal message from Metalcloak

Hello Friends,

With all the craziness going on right now, I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to all of you who have been wishing us well here at Metalcloak.

It is truly inspiring to know that our family of friends around the world are taking a moment to see how we are doing... with so much going on in your own lives, we are overwhelmed by the gesture.

So it is only fitting that I pause for a second and let you know what Metalcloak is doing currently and how are team is moving forward in the days and weeks ahead.

First, and foremost, we are still here... we will continue all operations essential to servicing our customer's automotive needs while maintaining regular hours of 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Pacific.

This is true for all our brands and sister companies including Metalcloak, Cloakworks 4x4 and KMS Adventure Racks.

Current inventory levels are strong and we will endeavor to overcome any challenges with future supply chains as permitted.

We have also dropped the Free Shipping threshold for Metalcloak down to $70 which means over 85% of all products we sell qualify for Free Shipping.

Finally, my friends, we pledge to do whatever we can to help you through this unusual time.

God Bless each and every one of you. We Pray for a quick resolution and minimal impact for all.


P.S. Care for some more good news? Check out a few facts about the COVID-19 below... (The list has been confirmed as Mostly True by SNOPES)

P.P.S. Listen to the latest podcast from ModernJeeper about the closure of Moab and the cancellation of April's biggest events featuring John Herrick of CRAWL Magazine, David Johnson of Northridge 4x4 and Larry McCrae of Zion Jeep Tours.
Coronavirus TidBits of Hope
Some bits of good news in this uncertain time. Give it a read, it will lift your spirits:

  • China has closed down its last coronavirus hospital. Not enough new cases to support them.
  • Doctors in India have been successful in treating Coronavirus. Combination of drugs used: Lopinavir, Retonovir, Oseltamivir along with Chlorphenamine. They are going to suggest same medicine, globally.
  • Researchers of the Erasmus Medical Center claim to have found an antibody against coronavirus.
  • A 103-year-old Chinese grandmother has made a full recovery from Covid-19 after being treated for 6 days in Wuhan, China.
  • Apple has reopened all 42 of its stores in China.
  • Cleveland Clinic developed a Covid-19 test that gives results in hours, not days.
  • Good news from South Korea where the number of new cases is declining.
  • Italy is hit hard, experts say, only because they have the oldest population in Europe.
  • Scientists in Israel likely to announce the development of a coronavirus vaccine.
  • 3 Maryland coronavirus patients fully recovered; able to return to everyday life.
  • A network of Canadian scientists are making excellent progress in Covid-19 research.
  • A San Diego biotech company is developing a Covid-19 vaccine in collaboration with Duke University and National University of Singapore.
  • In Oklahoma, Tulsa County’s first positive Covid-19 case has recovered. This individual has had two negative tests, which is the indicator of recovery.
  • All 7 patients who were getting treated for Covid-19 at Safdarjung hospital in New Delhi have recovered.
  • Plasma from newly recovered patients from Covid-19 can treat others infected by Covid-19.