I just wanted to go over some details like logistics, times, agenda, etc, so you know what to expect.
Ultimately, our goal is to have a FUN & EDUCATIONAL day filled with lots of great people and lots of awesome wheeling.
When you arrive, go into the main entrance at 13300 White Rock Road (Rancho Cordova, CA 95742), the helpful Ranger's will direct you to the event (please support the SVRA by paying the $5 vehicle entry fee at the gate).
We will have our Blue & Yellow Metalcloak canopies & flags up at registration, so you won't miss it.
Here's the basic schedule for the day...
8:30 - Registration, Coffee & Donuts
9:00 - Group 1 (Novice) Driver's Meeting
9:15 - Skills Training Commences
10:00 - CTI Trailer Opens
11:00 - Group 2 (Advanced Beginners) Drivers Meeting
Noon - Group 1 Lunch
1:00 - Group 2 Lunch
1:00 - Free Wheeling Opens
1:30 - Recovery Demonstration & Training
3:00 - We say our good byes
What we will actually do:
During registration you will be asked about your wheeling experience and your rig, will sign a waiver, and will be assigned a Skill Level Card
Then, following the assignments on your card, you will go around and hit the various stations and have your Skillz Card signed off.
Included among the stations will be our vendors. We had a couple cancellations, but the confirmed Industry Experts present will include:
- Powertank (Airing Tires)
- Ruff Stuff Specialties (Trail Welding)
- Rugged Radios (CBs vs UHV/VHF)
- PIAA (Lights on the Trail)
- CalStar (Safety)
- El Dorado County Search & Rescue (Recovery Demonstration)
After you've hit all recommended Training Stations, turn in your Skillz card and get some Lunch (Burrito Bar / Taco Salad Bar by Xochimilco)
Lunch & Drinks are provided by Metalcloak.
Once lunch is done, we will simply have fun going through the courses, trying different things and improving our mutual Skillz.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back or to call us at 916-631-8071.
It is going to be hot out there, so we recommend you bring water, snacks and refreshments for the day.
If for some reason, you can't make it, please let us know so we can plan our day accordingly.
Thank you again and we'll see you on the rocks!
Matson "Matsonian" Breakey
P.S. You should consider this a "Wheeling Trip" meaning, bring the stuff you would normally take on the trail. If you've never gone trail wheeling before, guess what you might want to bring, safety wise. This will be good practice for all.