#CTITour2016 continues with
Jeep Beach 2016 this Friday & Saturday where our CTI Trailer sits prominently in the
Daytona Speedway Obstacle Course.
The team is ready to take on hundreds of Jeeps... lets see if we can set a new record for the most CTI's in one day!
After Jeep Beach, Corey will return home to Colorado with more #CTITour2016 stops along the way. Check below to see if there is a stop in your region.
BTW, this year we have great support from some incredible sponsors helping to make the #CTITour2016 bigger and better then ever.
#CTITour2016 - After Jeep Beach
With Jeep Beach underway, it's time to announce the locations for the return trip from Daytona Beach back to Colorado, the home base for Corey and the CTI Trailer.
Using the Map Above...
- #5 - Sunday, April 24, 2-6 pm -- Overbuilt Customs, Jacksonville, FL
- #6 - Tuesday, April 26, 4-7 pm -- RPMExtreme, Gardendale, AL
- #7 - Wednesday, April 27, 5-8 pm -- Gunsmoke Off Road, Little Rock, AR
- #8 - Thursday, April 28, 4-7 pm -- Off Road Accessories Unlimited, Oklahoma City, OK
Click on the links above to confirm the exact location of the event - for instance, Gunsmoke is doing it at a local Jeep Dealership. Pretty cool.
Keep and eye on our Facebook as we plan out the rest of the year with more stops then ever!
#CTITour2016 #Cloakedrepublic #warnwinches #falkenspotting #teamraceline #macstiedowns #kickerlivinloud
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See you on the Rocks...
Matson "Matsonian" Breakey